Saturday, October 24, 2009

The King of Pop

I did it! I ran it! My first half marathon is over! Woo hoo! I was fast enough to get a medal (part of the registration fee if you finish before a certain time haha) and slow enough that I was trailing an 80 year old man with terrific legs the whole time. It was so great. We ran up the hills towards Table Mountain at the end which almost killed me, but once we climbed to the top we had an amazing view of the Atlantic Ocean. The bay we overlooked as we came down to the finish line was full of humpback whales and so my friend and I silently ran watching them float in the water. So cool! The next day we brought our two other friends who weren't running that joined us in Cape Town to the same spot to show them the whales. We saw one and photographed him in the same position for about 25 minutes only to find that it was indeed not a whale...but a boulder. Which explains a lot actually. "I never claimed to be a Marine Biologist." I said to my defense after the laughter died and we realized we had wasted precious vacation time. "So...sue me." (Michael from the Office)

We went to vineyards and wine tasted 5 glasses each. I always wanted to be a wine drinker to feel sophisticated and like a woman, but it was difficult to choke down. I guess my calling in life has never been to be an alcoholic. Such a shame when I had all that wine to my disposal. We still toured the farm and walked through the vineyards. None of us knew anything about wine, so we tried to play cool at first and finally swallowed our pride and asked someone to explain. I felt like a fake. Everyone at this fancy wine tasting room seemed to know the best wines and could taste the different ingredients in each wine glass. I thought they all tasted the someone rubbed deodorant all over my tongue and made me ate a tangy grape. My taste buds are not classy. I desperately wanted a Fanta.

It was great to have a car. We rented one and went EVERYWHERE! We drove up and down the coast, past the waterfront, and through the mountains. Cape Town is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. A lot of people speak Afrikaans there (a variation of Dutch) and they look like people from Orange City, Iowa. They would come up to me in the group I was with to speak Afrikaans/Dutch. It was so strange. I didn't know my Dutch ancestry was so obvious in the way I look. I just thought I looked...white. Haha Dutch, German, Norwegian, South Africa, British...they all look the same to me sadly. I guess to these people though, I look Dutch. The Schaap/Kleinhesselink elders would have been proud.

I am currently getting ready for a camp with Baylor University and the Paul Newman Foundation called Hole in the Wall. Peace Corps was asked to be involved with this year's camp. My friend Lisa (who was one of the volunteers who went to Cape Town with me) is also on the planning board. We've been working hard trying to find donors for food, underwear, and crafts for the kids. 100 kids are attending during the Christmas break. All of them are HIV+ and are taking their Anti-retroviral medication. We want to do a camp where they can be with kids like them so that they don't have to be scared of people knowing they are sick, but have the activities and lessons based on life skills and things for the future. Also we will play lots of games and sports. I want to throw a concert together for them too. I was thinking this cool new up and coming Christian rapper called Sieffstyle would be great, but his European Tour may not be over yet... I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Other than that, life is going well. I've been working in the garden and becoming a true Swazi wife. I tie my aunt’s baby on my back when I walk down to the river and race my little brothers down the red dirt road bare foot. It makes me feel good to beat a small child at games I just taught them. My 13 year old brother, Samkeliso, is doing really well. He stopped seizuring and is back to chopping firewood and chasing cows. As much as I have a special place for the girls on my homestead since I myself have only had sisters my whole life, I have really invested in the boys on my homestead. It’s been really great. My teenage brothers talk to me about girlfriends and high school stuff. My older brothers talk to me about work and life's struggles. My little brothers watch soccer with me on T.V. at night and we play Go Fish and build stilts. Either I was supposed to have a brother...or I am secretly a man. Haha I hope it’s the first...but the second may explain some things. Just kidding. I'm thankful my family feels comfortable with me now and they see me as their big or little sister. A lot of learning opportunities have evolved from these relationships and I think God is using them in a bigger plan than I realize.

Miss you all. Braden Bradfield, props to you for the Michael Jackson t-shirt. A single tear trinkled down as the King of Pop himself was lifted from the care package. I've enjoyed all the letters from you guys over the past year. As Michael would say, "You Rock My World". One might say that it’s been quite a "Thriller" to have each of you in my life. I'm sorry. Haha I know, I gotta stop. It’s hard though because my motto has always been, "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough." I can't help it with the cheesy jokes to express my admiration towards you guys at home. It’s just the "Way You Make Me Feel."

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