Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We are now hoping to join forces with World Vision in my area to do a HIV testing unit during the pageant, so I’ve been talking to my friend, Musa, who is in charge of the HIV awareness section of the organization. I’m working with another volunteer and it’s a lot of fun to collaborate our ideas. We are going to have a health fair at the same time as the pageant, so its just another way to affect as many people as possible. They will come to watch, but also get the opportunity to test and we’ll even have the mom’s selling their food and jewelry at the event. Now although it’s a well thought out idea on paper, there is A LOT of work to be done. I was just going to assist and help wherever needed, but I'm seeing the Youth Association in my area stuggling to the point that its 2 1/2 weeks away and they don't even have judges or money for prizes. It's been an adventure and now they've desperately asked for my help full on, so this steam boat's got a new engineer in town. I'm trying to teach them as I do things, so they can take notes and be able to do this more independently next year. As you might have guessed its taking 2x the amount of time. We have a fundraiser this weekend. In two weekends we are doing an HIV/AIDS workshop with all 14 girls and the following weekend is the pageant and World Vision health fair. Pray for a miracle. People think I can prefrom miracles simply because I'm American and white sadly. Little do they know I have no idea what I'm doing.

I'm going to Victoria Falls on Monday. We are taking a bus from Jo'burg through Botswana and up to Zambia/Zimbabwe border. Its one of the 7 wonders of the world. I really don't know any of them except the pyramids. It takes about 1 1/2 days to drive there through the night. I've heard horror stories that they don't stop to go to the bathroom. I might put in a catheter before I go. :) Just kidding. Too expensive. Big kid diapers will be just fine. Apparently you can bungee jump off the bridge (the highest in the world)! Heck, It'll probably be best wearing diapers the whole trip the way it looks.

Finally, my aunt just had her baby. It was a boy. I've been holding him all the time and keep whispering my name to him so that his first word will be "Jaci". I can't wait. It keeps the time going by fast. April will be full of crowns, crying teenagers, babysitting the new baby, and Zambian adventures. May will come fast and that means so will my friend Emily who is visiting! I'm soooo excited. Love you guys. Stay well.


Claire Berman said...

Hello - we don't know each other, but I came across your blog as I was searching for information about Swaziland. I'm scheduled to come there for 2 months (June - August) to work for Save the Children in Mbabane (possibly also with World Vision and the Red Cross), and I was wondering if you could please write me at claireberman@gmail.com to tell me more about living there. My family is kind of worried about my safety b/c I'm traveling there alone. I'd really appreciate it if you could write to me!

Claire Berman

Diane VDO said...

Dear Jaclyn -

You have been much in my thoughts lately. Hope that this message finds you well and continuing to learn/grow in your work.

Thank you, dear one, for being the hands and heart of Christ in our world. Come and see me when you get home.

With love and prayers,
Diane VDO at U Sioux Falls